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IITD and NII tie up for cancer diagnosis technologies

IITD and NII tie up for cancer diagnosis technologies

IIT-D, NII signs MoU to develop technologies for quick and accurate diagnosis of life-threatening diseases, reports Shruti Niraj 


IIT Delhi has signed an MoU with the National Institute of Immunology (NII) Delhi to come up with a joint PhD programme that will work to develop new technologies for cancer diagnosis, tuberculosis etc.


“This will help in collaborating between engineers and biotechnologists, who can jointly develop technologies relevant in medicine and treatment of dreaded diseases. As a part of seed funding, we will fund our faculty members for two-years and then they can seek help from external sponsors,” says V Ramgopal Rao, director, IIT Delhi.


“The researchers will work together on projects such as cell biology, cancer, tuberculosis etc. to understand the mechanical properties of the affected cells and develop a technology that could be used for the smooth treatment,” he adds.


While both the institutes will fund the project, students from NII will receive a certificate from IIT-Delhi.


“One of the objectives of this collaboration is to initiate 20 interdisciplinary research projects between the faculty of IIT Delhi and scientists from NII Delhi with seed money provided by both the institutions,” said Rao.


IIT-D is also planning to collaborate with the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) for 30 research projects in the field of medical diagnosis. It is also working with the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) to develop adequate technology required in the field of agriculture.


Courtesy: TOI

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