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AMU Entrance Exam Dates Rescheduled due to upcoming Lok Sabha Elections

Aligarh Muslim University has revised the examination dates for the B.Tech, B.Arch, and BA. LLB programmes due to the upcoming Lok Sabha Elections in April 2019. The B.Tech and B.Arch examinations scheduled for April 26, 2019, have now been rescheduled to May 26, 2019. While the BA LLB examination to be conducted on May 26, 2019, has been postponed a day to May 27, 2019.


The application forms for the AMU Entrance Examinations have been closed. Only those candidates who complete the application process will be able to download the admit card online two days prior to their respective subjects examination.


The AMU Entrance Examination for B.Tech programme will be conducted online in the Computer Based Mode for a duration of two hours. The examination centres include Aligarh, Lucknow, Kolkata, Kozhikode, Patna, and Srinagar. The examination will contain Multiple Choice Questions for a total of 150 marks. Questions will be asked from Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics, the syllabus for which has been provided on the official website of the university.


The B. Arch entrance examination will also be held on May 26, 2019. The examination will be conducted for a duration of 3 hours wherein questions will be multiple choice. The examination will be divided into two sections-Paper will be common with those of the B.Tech examination while Paper 2 will be based on Architecture Aptitude containing descriptive questions and test drawings. AMUEE for B.Arch programme will be held in Aligarh itself.


BA LLB entrance exam has been postponed by a day to May 27, 2019. The examination will be held in centres like Kozhikode, Aligarh, Kolkata from 10 AM onwards.


Aligarh Muslim University Entrance Examination also known as AMUEE will be held for the different undergraduate programmes in the online mode. The university had released the applications for the admissions for the academic year 2019-20 in January 2019.


Courtesy: Jagran Josh

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