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Higher Education survey for colleges goes abegging

Ad hoc college teachers urge higher education minister not to terminate them

Government likely to initiate action against institutions that fail to take part in survey that was launched in April

The Higher Education Department is likely to crack the whip on colleges that have failed to take part in a Statewide survey being spearheaded by the Kerala State Higher Education Council (KSHEC).

The move appears all but certain with a vast majority of higher education institutions failing to participate in the All Kerala Higher Education Survey. More than half of the institutions in the State are yet to upload the required data through the dedicated portal since the survey was launched in April.

The survey, modelled on the All India Survey of Higher Education, was launched to address the non-availability of authentic data on higher education in Kerala. The lacunae was widely cited as a major hindrance in the formulation of policies in the sector and allocation of funds on the basis of performance. Each higher education institution was directed to submit details pertaining to teaching and non-teaching staff, courses, student enrolment, examinations, results, infrastructure, accreditation and social inclusiveness, and financial information relating to receipt and expenditure.

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Only 36%

However, only around 310 institutions have submitted the requisite information even after six months since the commencement of the survey. This amounts to only 36% of the entire higher education sector, according to estimates.

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Besides, while only the Cochin University of Science and Technology has registered for the survey among the universities in the initial stages, all others fell in line as their participation in the exercise became mandatory to be considered for the Chancellor’s Award, official sources said.

The KSHEC recently requested that the government issue an order that mandated all institutions to compulsorily participate in the survey.


Courtesy: The Hindu

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