The total enrollment of students in higher educational institutions in India is around 326.1 lakh, with 52 per cent males and 48 per cent females. According to the CII-Deloitte report on the “Annual Status of Higher Education of States and UTs in India 2019” (ASHE 2019), the highest share of enrollment (81.14 per cent) is at the undergraduate level, followed by postgraduate(9 per cent), and diploma (7.93 per cent).
The report, released Thursday, reveals the female enrollment under various education levels has been highest in MPhil (63.98 per cent), followed by postgraduate courses (56.46 per cent) and certificate (55.63 per cent), as compared to their male counterparts. However, there is a significant gender disparity in enrollment in PhD courses with 68,842 female students registered as against 92,570 male.
Moreover, student enrollment across all backward groups in India is lesser than their proportionate share in the population, according to the report. The highest share of enrollments (35 per cent) is among the OBC category, followed by SCs (14.4 per cent), STs (5.2 per cent), Muslims (5.0 per cent), and other minorities (2.2 per cent).
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The total number of universities in India has gone up from 760 in 2014-15 to 903 in 2018-19 with state public universities constituting the highest share (38.9 per cent). Among them, Rajasthan has the highest number of universities (79, 8.75 per cent of total in India), followed by Uttar Pradesh (76, 8.42 per cent), Gujarat (65, 7.20 per cent), Karnataka (60, 6.64 per cent), and Tamil Nadu (58, 6.42 per cent).
Courtesy: The Indian Express
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