On Wednesday, Delhi University began the online application process for admission to postgraduate courses. From November 18 to 20, aspirants can apply for the DU PG Admissions under the first merit list at du.ac.in. Till November 23, at 11.59 pm, you can make the payment.
From November 25 to 27, Candidates will be able to apply for admission under the 2nd merit list and November 30 will be the deadline for making payment.
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From December 1, the class has yet to start. From December 2 to 4, the admission under the 3rd merit list is going to be done and for that, the deadline for payment is going to be December 7.
The admission to some of the courses is either based on entrance or through both entrance and merit.
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The official notice reads that “All the final year results declared by the University must update their marks on their dashboard and applicants whose final year results of the qualifying examination have not been declared yet should wait to update their marks”.
How to apply DU PG Admissions 2020:
- Visit the official website at du.ac.in.
- Click on DU PG Admission Portal 2020.
- Register yourself by submitting the required information.
- Log in using your individual registration ID and password.
- Select your course and proceed to fill your application form.
- Submit the application by paying the fee.