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ICSI CSEET 2020 Know About Remote Proctored Exam

Remote Proctored mode

“CSEET shall be conducted through remote proctored mode instead of conducting the same from test centres. Candidates are allowed to appear for the test through laptop/desktop from home/ such other convenient place. Candidates shall not be allowed to appear through smart-phone (mobile)/ tablet etc. In view of the Remote Proctored mode, the Viva Voce portion stands removed for the CSEET to be held on November 21, 2020,” ICSI had said.

How To Take CSEET November 2020 Remote Proctored Test

Candidates will have to use computers with microphone and webcam to write the remote proctored test. ICSI has advised candidates to visit https://webcammictest.com/ or https://webcamtests.com/ to check compatibility of their webcams and https://webcammictest.com/check‐microphone.html to test their microphones.

To appear in the exam, candidates will have to login using their ID, password, read the rules, ‘agree’ and ‘proceed’.

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Candidates will have to give permissions to use microphone and camera and share their screens.

Candidates will have to take close-up pictures of their faces, show IDs to the camera (covering the ID number).

Next, candidates will have to provide their personal details.

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Before starting the exam, candidates will be required to read and agree to the instructions.

Each question will have four options. Candidates can choose to answer, mark to be reviewed later, answer and mark for review or proceed without answering a question.

To submit answers, candidates will have to click on ‘End Test’. A pop-up notification will ask them to confirm their submission.

Check step-by-step instructions for CSEET remote proctored exam here

Courtesy: NDTV Education

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