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From Nalanda Ruins, ‘University of Future’ is Ready With New Campus, Courses

From Nalanda ruins ‘university of future is ready with new campus courses

Now, as the new campus of Nalanda University prepares for a formal inauguration, the focus is on how best it can retain the cultural and architectural ethos of Nalanda Mahavihara, the 5th-12th Century AD university that is considered to be one of the greatest centres of learning in ancient India.

Open rooms as study centres, small classrooms with a student-teacher ratio of 1:8, and “bottle-shaped” bazaars and shopping arcades for students — a mere 12 km from the ruins of Nalanda, this soaring idea of a learning space has been taking shape over the last four years in Rajgir, a town that’s over a 100 km from Patna.

Courtesy : The Indian Express

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